vasp.4.6 on SGI Origin 3400

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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vasp.4.6 on SGI Origin 3400

#1 Post by user » Fri May 19, 2006 11:45 pm

Dear All,

I got the following messages while trying to compile vasp.4.6 on SGI Origin 3400. I just used the file makefile.sgi wihtour any modification:

f90 -O -c base.f90

#include ""
f90-100 f90: ERROR MAIN__, File = base.f90, Line = 1, Column = 1
This statement must begin with a label, a keyword, or an identifier.
f90-293 f90: ERROR MAIN__, File = base.f90, Line = 1, Column = 1
This unnamed main program unit is missing an END statement.

f90-855 f90: ERROR PREC, File = base.f90, Line = 8, Column = 14
The compiler has detected errors in module "PREC". No module information file will be created for this module.

f90-855 f90: ERROR BASE, File = base.f90, Line = 13, Column = 14
The compiler has detected errors in module "BASE". No module information file will be created for this module.

USE prec
f90-292 f90: ERROR BASE, File = base.f90, Line = 14, Column = 11
"PREC" is specified as the module name on a USE statement, but the compiler cannot find it.

REAL(q) RSPIN ! 2 for spinpolar. 1 for non spinpol.
f90-868 f90: ERROR BASE, File =, Line = 26, Column = 14
"Q" is used in a constant expression, therefore it must be a constant.

f90: SGI MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.42 (f14) Fri May 19, 2006 20:01:58
f90: 222 source lines
f90: 6 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
cf90: "explain cf90-message number" gives more information about each message
*** Error code 2 (bu21)


Could you please tell me what could be the problem? This seems happen to vasp.4.6 only, since there's no problem with vasp.4.5.

Last edited by user on Fri May 19, 2006 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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vasp.4.6 on SGI Origin 3400

#2 Post by admin » Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:25 am

there must be some error in the .f90 files generated by the preprocessor (CPP) , in the .f90 files, the parameters set in should be resolved already.
please try to do the following:
compile with
-cpp added to the FFLAGS:
FFLAGS = -cpp -mips4 -64
and replace the default CPP line(s) in the makefile by
CPP = ./preprocess $*.f
this should work. We ourselves have no access to SGI, therefore you have try how to set the various precompiler-flags (like cache-sizes, half-grids,....) to increase the performance yourself
Last edited by admin on Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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vasp.4.6 on SGI Origin 3400

#3 Post by jcconesa » Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:20 am

I have the same problem on SGI. The changes suggested, however, solve nothing for me. Has any solution been found since the last message in this thread?

Last edited by jcconesa on Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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