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IBM power6: internal ERROR PHASER: 16 -31 2 -31

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:27 am
by Danny

I'm trying to get vasp 4.6.31 compiled(with the xlf compiler) on a power6 machine. When I just recompiled vasp(not vasplib) everything went fine, but when I also compile the vasp.lib on this machine vasp sometimes crashes giving the above error...
adding the flag -qpdf1 in the makefile of vasp(not lib) makes the error go away...but I'm affraid it might still be there and cause mayhem when I can't check.

I have some small benchmark-jobs and these run perfectly...always.
Anyone who knows what this problem is and how it can be solved?


IBM power6: internal ERROR PHASER: 16 -31 2 -31

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:05 pm
by admin
strange, please make sure that you use the same compiler... for vasp.4.6 and vasp.4.lib and compile nonlr.F with lowest optimization

IBM power6: internal ERROR PHASER: 16 -31 2 -31

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:05 pm
by Danny
switched the optimization for the vasp4.lib to -O3 and the problem seems to have disappear...
