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compilation errors on sgi machine

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:20 pm
by xwsha
I was using the vasp makefile for sgi machines to compile the vasp 4.6 code on a sgi cluster, and got the following errors. Did anybody have the same experiences?

ccsgi3 6% make
f90 -O -c xml.f90

WRITE(uixml, '(A,"<i type=",1H","string",1H"," name=",1H",A,1H",">",A,"</i>")',ADVANCE="Yes") blank(1:inden),tag,str(1:i)
f90-197 f90: ERROR XML_INCAR, File = xml.f90, Line = 808, Column = 132
Unexpected syntax: "EOS" was expected but found "(".

WRITE(uixml, '(A,"<v type=",1H","string",1H"," name=",1H",A,1H",">",A,"</v>")',ADVANCE="Yes") blank(1:inden),tag,str(1:i)
f90-197 f90: ERROR XML_INCAR_V, File = xml.f90, Line = 861, Column = 132
Unexpected syntax: "EOS" was expected but found "(".

f90: SGI MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.4 (f14) Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:41:00
f90: 1554 source lines
f90: 2 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
cf90: "explain cf90-message number" gives more information about each message
*** Error code 2 (bu21)

compilation errors on sgi machine

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:37 pm
by admin
it seems that the compiler does not accept lines which are longer that 132 characters, therefore these lines are not compiled correctly. Have you kept the -freeform compiler option in your makefile?, this should solve the problem.
If it does not, the easist solution (and least elegant one) would be to edit the xml.F file and insert a line break+continuation lines for these statements