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when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:16 pm
by whzhang
If I set EDIFFG = -0.02 eV/A,when will the NEB calculation converge? Is all the component of CHAIN + TOTAL (eV/Angst) smaller than 0.02eV/Angst ?

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:29 pm
by admin
EDIFFG <0 sets a force convergence criterium, it is fulfilled if the LARGEST
remaining force is less that the specified value.

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:57 pm
by aarondesk
One thing you might try is using the climbing image neb method. See .
I tried for a very long to get convergence with NEB, but finally switched to the CI-NEB method. Convergence still takes a long time (~200 steps), but I did get a transition state.

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:30 am
by whzhang
I use four images to perform the calculation, from the OUTCAR I find the FORCE on atoms decreasing at the initial steps but it begins to increase after about 200 steps, I don't know how to do now.

Below is my input file
SYSTEM =defts

PREC = Medium
#Electronic Relaxation 1

ENCUT = 450 ev
NELM = 200
EDIFF = 1E-05
AMIX = 0.05
BMIX = 0.0001 ! almost zero, but 0 will crash some versions
AMIX_MAG = 0.2
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001 ! almost zero, but 0 will crash some versions



#Inoic relaxation

NSW = 500

ISIF = 2
#IWAVPR = 11

#DOS related values
SIGMA = 0.01

#Electronic relaxation 2
IALGO = 38

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:43 am
by admin
it may be helpful to increase the convergence to
1) start with low dimensionality (decrease NFREE ; NFREE = 2)
for the first few steps
2) reduce the step width (POTIM) from the default value.
3) increase PREC to high to assure that the forces are accurate

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:01 am
by superyoyo
I have the same question
now I 'm calculating a barrier use NEB. I use INCAR like this
SIGMA = 0.05
POTIM = 0.05

EDIFF = 1E-4
EDIFFG = -0.1


I try to calculate over 200 step (copy CONTCAR to POSCAR when 40 step finished)
Total energy is become positive (+0.5...) and then negative(-510.2...) and now I have no idea that will it converge? and when?

my second question is
Can VASP4.4 calculate the climbing NEB?

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:05 pm
by mhyman
POTIM = 0.05 is a really small time step. I would try POTIM = 0.2 for at least 100 cycles. Then look at the energies of each step. First make certain that you are starting with end points that are minima. I've wasted much time not checking this.

Then, check to see how the energies are changing. If they are steadily changing, just keep running more cycles. If they are oscillating over a range of say 0.2 eV, you need a smaller time step.

when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:04 am
by superyoyo
[quote author= 0.05 is a really small time step. I would try POTIM = 0.2 for at least 100 cycles. Then look at the energies of each step. First make certain that you are starting with end points that are minima. I've wasted much time not checking this.

Then, check to see how the energies are changing. If they are steadily changing, just keep running more cycles. If they are oscillating over a range of say 0.2 eV, you need a smaller time step. [/quote]
Thanks for your suggestion. I 'm a student in Thailand and start to learn NEB for 1 month. I like this board and this forum


when will the NEB calculation coverge?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:30 am
by admin
the climbing and chain options were not developed and are not
supported by us (CMS, Institut fuer Materialphysik d. Univ. Wien),
therefore please ask those colleagues who
developed it