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..applying gate voltage by electric field...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:53 am
by brocks
Dear all,

i want to study a system where in my unit cell along the z direction i have a slab system (system1), made of some layers of a metal, on the top of this (at a certain distance) another layered system (system2) and then vacuum.
i want to apply a gate voltage, deltaV, between system 1 and system 2 and look to its effect in the electronic stracture.
i know VASP (by the flags EFIELD=...,LDIPOL=.TRUE.,IDIPOL=3) can applied an electric field but to me it not clear how it works (the shape of electric field along the z direction,....).
if for example i apply an electric field of 0.1 eV/A what does it mean?
What is the potential applied to the system1 and system2?
thank you.


..applying gate voltage by electric field...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:02 pm
by admin
The shape of the potential applied is a linear decrease over the complete unit cell (given periodic boundary conditions, this corresponds to a sawtooth-like shape macroscopically)