G-vectors and kpoints in OUTCAR
Dear all,
by inspecting the OUTCAR file of a VASP calculation, in particular the "Primitive cell" section, it seems to me that the reciprocal lattice vectors are given in units of 2*pi. In particular, one can easily verify that, for example, G1 . R1 = 1, whereas that scalar product should be 2*pi (to ensure that exp(iG1.R1) = 2 pi).
Moreover, by searching the word "Following" we meet two sections that give, respectively in reciprocal and cartesian coordinates the k-points used during the calculation. Now the cartesian coordinates of the k-points seem to be obtained using the respective reciprocal coordinates in the linear combination of G1, G2, G3. As such, while those k-points are correctly in units of Angstrom^{-1}, their "actual" value seems to miss a 2*pi factor.
So my question is: is it true that BOTH the G1, G2, G3 vectors and the cartesian coordinates of the k-points have a missing 2*pi factor, so as if I need to express the distance between two k points I must compute |k1-k2| and then multiply it by 2*pi?
I thank you in advance for your attention and for any help you might provide.