Issues with Adsorption Energy and Magnetic Convergence in CoO(100) Substrate with BPDCA Molecule
Dear VASP Community,
I am currently working on a complex system involving a self-assembled monolayer of BPDCA (C14H10O4) adsorbed on a CoO(100) surface, which is modeled with 3 layers of CoO(100) (totaling 108 atoms).
After running the geometry optimization, the calculated adsorption energy for this system appears to be unreasonably high, specifically -25.770732 eV. To ensure that the issue isn't related to the individual components of the system, I revisited the parameters used in the substrate calculations. I conducted tests by adjusting the SIGMA parameter (for Gaussian smearing) from its original value of 0.1 eV to 0.01 eV. Notably, the ionic optimization of the substrate using SIGMA = 0.01 eV resulted in an unexpectedly low energy for the CoO (100) substrate, around -641.07897822 eV, which will significantly alters the adsorption energy by approximately 14.45 eV. However, to test the reliability of the SIGMA parameter and to make sure that I am looking at the true ground state energy for the substrate. I ran an additional single point calculations just for the substrate.
Here are the results from my scf for different SIGMA:
SIGMA = 0.01 eV: -626.13568056 eV
SIGMA = 0.02 eV: -627.97482516 eV
SIGMA = 0.03 eV: -626.15113909 eV
Additionally, when I altered the MAGMOM parameter from MAGMOM = 27*4.0 27*-4.0 54*0.0 to MAGMOM = 27*5.0 27*-5.0 54*0.0, the SCF total energy further decreased to -646.03208699 eV. These tests suggest that the energy -641.07897822 eV cannot be the true ground state of the CoO(100) substrate, indicating that the system's energy landscape is highly sensitive to even minor changes in parameters. Consequently, determining the correct electronic and magnetic convergence is crucial.
Moreover, in additional tests aimed at ensuring proper convergence, I reduced the SCF convergence criterion to 10^-8 eV and experimented with charge density and magnetic moment mixing parameters. The default settings for AMIX, AMIX_MAG, BMIX, and BMIX_MAG resulted in a substrate energy of -642.30933566 eV. However, following the recommended settings from the VASP Wiki (AMIX = 0.2, BMIX = 0.0001, AMIX_MAG = 0.8, BMIX_MAG = 0.0001), the SCF energy was -627.97483064 eV. Further reducing AMIX to 0.1 and AMIX_MAG to 0.4 gave me an electronic and magnetic ground state identical to the one found with the MAGMOM = 27*5.0 27-5.0 54*0.0 setting, with a TOTEN of -646.03206512 eV. Interestingly, altering the SIGMA value in these new tests did not significantly change the results. I re-optimized my CoO(100) with the AMIX and AMIX_MAG that yields -646.03206512 eV and the new TOTEN I get with these parameters is -646.56425475 eV and the scf energy for this job is -646.56425554 eV. Does it mean that AMIX=0.1 and AMIX_MAG=0.4 with nearly zero BMIX and BMIX_MAG gives me the lowest poosible energy state of CoO(100) substate ? And I could consider this as the correct magnetic ground state.
I have attached the zip of the original input files for both the BPDCA on CoO(100) system and the CoO(100) substrate optimization and the MAIN output files. Additionally, I have attached the OUTCAR for the scf job of AMIX=0.1 and AMIX_MAG=0.4 job with name OUTCAR_AMIX=0.1_AMIX_MAG=0.4.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or insights on how to address this issue with convergence, particularly concerning the sensitivity of the magnetic ground state and the convergence parameters.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!