Plotting Fatband from a BSE calculation
I used the following batch file to extract the fatband data from an mBSE calculation for the second BSE state.
Code: Select all
NBSE=2 #Select the BSE eigenvector of interest.
BSIZE=$(head -n 1 BSEFATBAND|awk '{print $1}') # The BSE product basis size.
i=`echo "($BSIZE+1)*$NBSE+1"|bc`
head -n $i BSEFATBAND | tail -n $BSIZE > BSE-$NBSE.dat #Cut out the selected eigenstate.
awk <BSE-$NBSE.dat ' { if ($1==$2 && $3==$2) print sqrt($1*$1+$2*$2+$3*$3), $4, $5, $6 }' >bands-GR.dat
awk <BSE-$NBSE.dat ' { if ($1==$3 && $2==0.0) print sqrt($1*$1+$2*$2+$3*$3), $4, $5, $6 }' >bands-GM.dat
However, the generated files give a zero value for the K axis (x-axis) as attached.
Please, advise,
Also, I would like to know how to change the KPATH in the batch file.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,