I wanted to provide a quick update on the dipole correction. I turned off the dipole tags and repeated the vacuum thickness convergence analysis. I noticed that not using the dipole correction yields even slightly lower energies for the entire range of thicknesses I tested before. This makes me more certain that the dipole correction might not improve the current model I'm working on.
Additionally, I’ve started experimenting with the ML tags on a simple system involving an MA cation as a toy model (please see the attached zipped file for more details and files). I plan to extend this MLFF to include PbI octahedra and, eventually, the larger cations like Butylammonium (BA).
A few observations and questions:
1) I attempted to rename the POSCAR file header to “MA Cation” based on the "Mind" box provided in the documentation for "ML_IWEIGHT = 3". However, I noticed the following in the log file:
*Use also structure names for distinction into groups for weighting: F ML_LUSE_NAMES*
2) Despite explicitly setting ML_LSPARSDES to `.TRUE.` in the INCAR, the log file indicates:
*Enable sparsification of angular descriptors: F (!) ML_LSPARSDES*
3) The log file also notes:
*Specifies whether self-interactions are subtracted or not: T (?) ML_LSIC*
4) Lastly, following the documentation, which suggests creating distinct groups for different species (e.g., O1 and O2 for oxygen in bulk vs. surface molecules), I’m considering distinguishing MA and BA species in the POSCAR files. For MA, I intend to label them as N1, C1, and H1, and for BA, as N2, C2, and H2. Am I interpreting this correctly, or have I misunderstood this approach?
Thank you in advance for your advice!