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Date typo in PBE.64 Nd POTCAR Header

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:42 pm
by marykate_
This isn't a bug per se, but in case you weren't already aware, there is a typo in the first line of the Nd POTCAR for the new PBE version 64 release. It reads "PAW_PBE Nd 25May2002" instead of "PAW_PBE Nd 25May2022". It's not entirely important, but I noticed it when comparing the dates of the Nd POTCAR from the PBE version 54, which was "PAW_PBE Nd 23Dec2003", and had a brief moment of thinking an earlier generation of the Nd pseudopotential was used in the most recent release.

Thank you for updating the lanthanide PAW POTCAR files!

Mary Kate

Re: Date typo in PBE.64 Nd POTCAR Header

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:24 am
by marie-therese.huebsch
Hi Mary Kate,

Thank you for pointing it out!
I can confirm that this is a typo. Fortunately, for the other lanthanides, it correctly reads 25May2022.
