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Error in Syntax for SAXIS

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:53 pm
by dscullion12
Dear VASP users,

While trying to carry out spin orbit coupling calculations using VASP I came across an error in the Syntax for the flag SAXIS.

In the manual:

It states the default value is

Default: SAXIS = (0+, 0, 1)

However, this is not allowed and an error of

Error reading item 'SAXIS' from file INCAR.
Error code was IERR=5 ... . Found N= 0 data.

is returned which is most likely due to a syntax error.

The correct format is

SAXIS = 0 0 1

as the + sign is not allowed either.

This is more for anyone who has came across a similar problem with these calculations.

Kind Regards,


Re: Error in Syntax for SAXIS

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:42 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,