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Error with type information not consistent with number of types

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:32 am
by a1k
Hi all,

I'm running into this error when I am running calculations for a simple 2x2 CdS cell:

Code: Select all

 POSCAR found type information on POSCAR  Cd
 ERROR: the type information is not consistent with the number of types
My POSCAR file is:

Code: Select all

Cd1 S1
        4.1364998817         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
       -2.0682499409         3.5823139803         0.0000000000
        0.0000000000         0.0000000000         6.7160000801
    Cd  S
    2   2
     0.333333343         0.666666687         0.000000000
     0.666666627         0.333333313         0.500000000
     0.333333343         0.666666687         0.377000004
     0.666666627         0.333333313         0.876999974
I am using a standard 4x4x4 Monkhorst-Pack kmesh, and this is my INCAR file:

Code: Select all

 SYSTEM =  GaN 0001 surface 2x2 Ga_T4

 Electronic strcutre
   PREC   = high
   ENCUT  = 550 eV ; NELMIN = 2 ; NELMDL = -5
   LREAL  = .FALSE.   real space projections
   AMIX   = 0.2
   ALGO   = fast
   ISTART = 0

   NBANDS = 68

   GGA = PE
   LORBIT = 11

 Ionic Relaxation
   NSW    = 99   number of steps for IOM
   IBRION = 2
   ISIF   = 3

 DOS related values:
   ISMEAR =    0  ; SIGMA = 0.01
   EMIN   =   -15 ;  EMAX = 15
Any idea where I may be going wrong? Thanks!

Re: Error with type information not consistent with number of types

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:30 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,