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Memory requrements

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:53 pm
by asija
Hello, I'm trying to compute Si nanoparticle in vasp near the memory limit on our cluster ( 24GB )

One of the jobs fall because of insufficient memory.
There is 108 H-atoms, 120 O-atoms, and 232 Si-atoms with soft pseudopotential ENMAX =269 eV
size of unit cel is 30x30x30 Angstroem ... this leads to

For storing wavefunctions 4826.10 MBYTES are necessary
gives a total of 531441 points

.... this is very much, however if I consider number of planewaves, I was able to run even bigger job: 67H 1O 327Si with normal oxygen pseudopotential ENMAX =395 eV
26x23x36 Angstroem

For storing wavefunctions 5773.98 MBYTES are necessary
gives a total of 885573 points

... this was working, so I don't see reason why the "smaller" job is not

If I look at the allocation output I don't know where all my 24 GB of memory has gone?
- Is there something other than wavefunction which is the memory bottleneck ?
- Can I switch something off in order to save memory ?

this is how the end of OUTCAR looks like

k-point 1 : 0.00000.00000.0000 plane waves: 271985

maximum and minimum number of plane-waves per node : 34013 33985

maximum number of plane-waves: 271985
maximal index in each direction:

WARNING: wrap around error must be expected set NGX to 162
WARNING: wrap around error must be expected set NGY to 162
WARNING: wrap around error must be expected set NGZ to 162

real space projection operators:
total allocation : 46814.30 KBytes
max/ min on nodes : 5874.90 5837.05

parallel 3dFFT wavefunction:
minimum data exchange during FFTs selected (reduces bandwidth)
parallel 3dFFT charge:
minimum data exchange during FFTs selected (reduces bandwidth)

For storing wavefunctions 4826.10 MBYTES are necessary
For predicting wavefunctions 9814.43 MBYTES are necessary
Broyden mixing: mesh for mixing (old mesh)
NGX = 81 NGY = 81 NGZ = 81
(NGX =240 NGY =240 NGZ =240)
gives a total of 531441 points
initial charge density was supplied:
charge density of overlapping atoms calculated
number of electron 1756.0000000 magnetization
keeping initial charge density in first step


Maximum index for non-local projection operator 330
Maximum index for augmentation-charges 664 (set IRDMAX)


<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>

Re: Memory requrements

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:19 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,