VASP on Altix

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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VASP on Altix

#1 Post by tjf » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:21 pm

I have VASP 4.6 running happily on an SGI Altix. (The details of the machine are on the SARA website for those that care, ... index.html)

As I've read here somewhere, ifort 8.1, parallel VASP and FFTW don't play nicely together. The VASP built in FFTs work a charm, though.

I based my makefile on the efc itanium makefile.

One issue which isn't really clear to me though is how to set CACHE_SIZE. Some timing tests show the results below, where the CACHE_SIZE on the left gives a runtime on the right, in seconds.

0 10259
1000 6627
3000 4845
5000 4709
8000 5406
10000 4701
15000 4335
20000 8454
30000 6883
50000 5162
100000 6951

These are single runs on 8 CPUs, so other stuff is clearly going on to screw up the timings. Still, I'm using 15000. What would one expect to be optimal on a machine with 3 MB cache per processor? (I do assume that the CACHE_SIZE parameter should be set on a per processor basis, not on cache over the whole CPU set.)

Anyone else care to share their experiences with Altix/other Itanium SMP?
Last edited by tjf on Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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VASP on Altix

#2 Post by fish » Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:28 pm

Could you post your makefile?
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VASP on Altix

#3 Post by hilgeman » Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:19 pm


You should set the CACHE_SIZE to the L2 size of the Itanium2 processor, which is 256 kB. That equivalents in a CACHE_SIZE value of 16000.

Also, I recommend you to either use the built-in FFT functions from Jurgen Furthmuller or the FFT functions from SGI's SCSL scientific library (compile with -DFFT_SCSL to use that).

I (SGI) have a patch on top of VASP 4.6.26/27/28 that has been sent to Georg Kresse,which has among other preformace enhancements, an alternative shared memory implementation of the collective MPI routine to distribute the in-band wavefunctions. The Altix is a *very* fast machine for running VASP, please send me a private email when you would like to have the patch.



Martin Hilgeman Chemical Applications Engineering
Phone: +31(0)30-6696885
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Last edited by hilgeman on Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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VASP on Altix

#4 Post by tjf » Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:21 pm

My abbreviated but functional makefile is below.

It's a bit of a hack. YMMV.

Code: Select all

.SUFFIXES: .inc .f .f90 .F
# all CPP processed fortran files have the extension .f
CPP_ =  ./preprocess <$*.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >$*$(SUFFIX)
FFLAGS =  -FR -lowercase -cm -w95 -tpp2  -safe_cray_ptr -stack_temps \
OFLAG=-O3 -unroll0 -ivdep_parallel -fno-alias -ip
DEBUG  = -O0
BLAS=-L/usr/local/opt/scs_beta/lib/ -lscs
LINK    =
FFT3D   = fft3dfurth.o fft3dlib.o
CPP    = $(CPP_) -DMPI  -DHOST=\"LinuxAltix\" -DIFC -Duse_collective \
     -Dkind8 -DNGZhalf -DCACHE_SIZE=16000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc \
LIB     = -L../vasp.4.lib -ldmy  \
      ../vasp.4.lib/linpack_double.o \
      -L/usr/local/opt/scs_beta/lib/ -lscs \
FFT3D   = fftmpi.o fftmpi_map.o fft3dlib.o
BASIC=   symmetry.o symlib.o   lattlib.o  random.o
SOURCE=  base.o     mpi.o      smart_allocate.o      xml.o  \
         constant.o jacobi.o   main_mpi.o  scala.o   \
         asa.o      lattice.o  poscar.o   ini.o      setex.o     radial.o  \
         pseudo.o   mgrid.o    mkpoints.o wave.o      wave_mpi.o  $(BASIC) \
         nonl.o     nonlr.o    dfast.o    choleski2.o    \
         mix.o      charge.o   xcgrad.o   xcspin.o    potex1.o   potex2.o  \
         metagga.o  constrmag.o pot.o      cl_shift.o force.o    dos.o      elf.o      \
         tet.o      hamil.o    steep.o    \
         chain.o    dyna.o     relativistic.o LDApU.o sphpro.o  paw.o   us.o \
         ebs.o      wavpre.o   wavpre_noio.o broyden.o \
         dynbr.o    rmm-diis.o reader.o   writer.o   tutor.o xml_writer.o \
         brent.o    stufak.o   fileio.o   opergrid.o stepver.o  \
         dipol.o    xclib.o    chgloc.o   subrot.o   optreal.o   davidson.o \
         edtest.o   electron.o shm.o      pardens.o  paircorrection.o \
         optics.o   constr_cell_relax.o   stm.o    finite_diff.o \
         elpol.o    setlocalpp.o
vasp: $(SOURCE) $(FFT3D) $(INC) main.o
        rm -f vasp
        $(FCL) -o vasp $(LINK) main.o  $(SOURCE)   $(FFT3D) $(LIB)
makeparam: $(SOURCE) $(FFT3D) makeparam.o main.F $(INC)
        $(FCL) -o makeparam  $(LINK) makeparam.o $(SOURCE) $(FFT3D) $(LIB)
zgemmtest: zgemmtest.o base.o random.o $(INC)
        $(FCL) -o zgemmtest $(LINK) zgemmtest.o random.o base.o $(LIB)
dgemmtest: dgemmtest.o base.o random.o $(INC)
        $(FCL) -o dgemmtest $(LINK) dgemmtest.o random.o base.o $(LIB)
ffttest: base.o smart_allocate.o mpi.o mgrid.o random.o ffttest.o $(FFT3D) $(INC)
        $(FCL) -o ffttest $(LINK) ffttest.o mpi.o mgrid.o random.o smart_allocate.o base.o $(FFT3D) $(LIB)
kpoints: $(SOURCE) $(FFT3D) makekpoints.o main.F $(INC)
        $(FCL) -o kpoints $(LINK) makekpoints.o $(SOURCE) $(FFT3D) $(LIB)
        -rm -f *.f *.o *.L ; touch *.F
main.o: main$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS)$(DEBUG)  $(INCS) -c main$(SUFFIX)
xcgrad.o: xcgrad$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INLINE)  $(INCS) -c xcgrad$(SUFFIX)
xcspin.o: xcspin$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INLINE)  $(INCS) -c xcspin$(SUFFIX)
makeparam.o: makeparam$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS)$(DEBUG)  $(INCS) -c makeparam$(SUFFIX)
makeparam$(SUFFIX): makeparam.F main.F
base.o: base.F
mgrid.o: mgrid.F
constant.o: constant.F
lattice.o: lattice.F
setex.o: setex.F
pseudo.o: pseudo.F
poscar.o: poscar.F
mkpoints.o: mkpoints.F
wave.o: wave.F
nonl.o: nonl.F
nonlr.o: nonlr.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAG_HIGH) $(INCS) -c $*$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $*$(SUFFIX)
fft3dlib_f77.o: fft3dlib_f77.F
        $(F77) $(FFLAGS_F77) -c $*$(SUFFIX)
fft3dfurth.o : fft3dfurth.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O2 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
fftmpi.o : fftmpi.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O2 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
symlib.o : symlib.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O1 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
symmetry.o : symmetry.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O1 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
dynbr.o : dynbr.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O1 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
broyden.o : broyden.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O1 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
us.o : us.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O1 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
wave.o : wave.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O0 -c $*$(SUFFIX)

        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O2 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
potex1.o : potex1.F
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -O2 -c $*$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAG) $(INCS) -c $*$(SUFFIX)
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAG) $(INCS) -c $*$(SUFFIX)

<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Fri Nov 04 2005, 03:30PM ]</span>
Last edited by tjf on Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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VASP on Altix

#5 Post by tjf » Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:36 pm

Well, it was functional before the forum software butchered it.

The important stuff is at the top. I also reduced the optimisation for potex1 and I think I added those generic rules at the bottom, but I may have picked them up from somewhere else. They don't seem to be in the efc makefile.
Last edited by tjf on Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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