vasp.4.6 compiling error

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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vasp.4.6 compiling error

#1 Post by lanjh » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:30 am

./preprocess <fftmpi.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >fftmpi.f90 -DMPI -DHOST=\"LinuxIFC\" -DIFC -Dkind8 -DNGZhalf -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DMPI_BLOCK=500 -DRPROMU_DGEMV -DRACCMU_DGEMV
mpif90 -FR -lowercase -assume byterecl -O3 -xW -tpp7 -c fftmpi.f90
/export/mpi/mpich-intel/bin/mpif90: line 332: eval: -F: invalid option
eval: usage: eval [arg ...]
make: *** [fftmpi.o] 错误 2

Hi, I am compiling the parallel version of vasp. But the above message occurred now. Can anyone help me ? I am eager to your reply/ Thanks
Last edited by lanjh on Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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vasp.4.6 compiling error

#2 Post by admin » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:35 pm

are you sure mpif90 is based on the intel compiler? -FR lowecase is an intel compiler option only, not valid for other compilers
Last edited by admin on Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.


vasp.4.6 compiling error

#3 Post by lanjh » Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:11 am

thanks, Sir. This problem has been solved after I added the routine of MPIf90 in makefile.
But another problem occurred.
./preprocess <fftmpi.F | /usr/bin/cpp -P -C -traditional >fftmpi.f90 -DMPI -DHOST=\"LinuxIFC\" -DIFC -Dkind8 -DNGZhalf -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DMPI_BLOCK=500 -DRPROMU_DGEMV -DRACCMU_DGEMV
/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpif90 -FR -lowercase -assume byterecl -O3 -xW -tpp7 -c fftmpi.f90
fortcom: Error: fftmpi.f90, line 78: This module file was generated for a different platform or by an incompatible compiler or compiler release. It cannot be read. [PREC]
USE prec
fortcom: Error: fftmpi.f90, line 80: This derived type name has not been declared. [GRID_3D]
TYPE (grid_3d) GRID

My compiler is intel 8.0. Why did these errors occur?
Last edited by lanjh on Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2921
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:18 am
License Nr.: 458

vasp.4.6 compiling error

#4 Post by admin » Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:41 pm

it seems you have mixed up several compilations in the same directory.
Last edited by admin on Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.


vasp.4.6 compiling error

#5 Post by lanjh » Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:20 am

Thanks Sir!
I have recompiled our vasp with your opinion, and solved the problem.
There is still another problem.
When testing our serial version,I found that unreasonable results occurred. After one cycle was calculated, the program claimed that: reached required accuracy, and exit. Can you tell me the reason for this problem? Thanks
Last edited by lanjh on Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.


vasp.4.6 compiling error

#6 Post by lanjh » Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:24 am

I have carried out the parallel version. But the following notes occurred. I want to know how to deal this problem.

/export/mpi/mpich-intel/bin/mpirun.ch_p4: line 77: cannot create temp file for here document: 设备上没有空间
I am looking forward to your reply.
Last edited by lanjh on Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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