I would say so but you can look at the bandstructure of the structures where the magnetization became 0 and see what happens when you set NUPDOWN.To avoid the sudden change, I constrain the magnetization by setting NUPDOWN=4. Does this make sense?
Thanks for sharing the basis set size plots.
This makes it clearer to see what is happening.
For most elements, the basis set will not increase much more. It's hydrogen that is problematic
You will need to try and figure out why this is so.
It might be worth checking out whether the POTIM you are using is already small enough.
If your system is changing the temperature too much over time of the MD run it is expected that the different atoms will visit new positions in the phase space which the ML FF will need to learn.
Yes, indeed the default parameter of ML_AFILT2 is 0.002 and not 0.02 as indicated in ML_IAFILT2.
I corrected the wiki page.